Where to start in the online world can be overwhelming. We wrote this post to make things a little easier on you.
This post does not throw every money making opportunity in the world at you. We want you to succed and achieve your dreams. So we are going to go over the most begginger friendly ways to make money online.
Whether with a blog, website or even a combination of the two we are going to go over they types of oppertunites you have to get things rolling.
Table of Contents
Getting Started
That being said, the internet is ever-expanding, and the information it holds continues to perpetually increase.

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Thus, to get the traffic you are looking for, it is essential that you know how to get it. These two types of internet properties have some differences.
To effectively navigate through the internet, or to set up your own website, it is vital that you understand the differences.
Blogs And Affiliate Links
Affiliate links are links in articles on your site that make it possible for the reader to jump from the link that the article is in, to the site where a product is sold.
They are symbiotic in nature, and one benefits from the other. To understand this relationship, you first have to understand the different types of blogs there are.
A Popular Example
There are numerous types of blogs, some more popular than others. A quintessential example of the latter is traveling blogs.
Whenever you want to travel or go on vacation, it is essential that you know where you are going, and what you should expect when you get there.
Traveling blogs make sure that you are acquainted with the place. They make it possible for you to know where the best or worst hotels are and give you a nice review.
Often it will cover things ranging from the different types of transport you should use to get there to great places to eat.
They will help you think about any other details that you should iron out.
How You Get Paid
The affiliate links in a travel blog will lead the reader to maybe travel agencies that have deals suited to that specific destination, or maybe airline websites in which the reader can purchase tickets to the their destination.
You reader clicks on the affiliate link and, say, purchases the online tickets, or uses the travel agency.
After the purchase the travel blog site gets a certain percentage of the price of the item. This is acllaed an affiliate commission.
Sometimes this will depend on the arrangement that the blog has with the affiliate sites but often the commissions are set by the companies.
In many ways, it is akin to marketing, with the blog site subtly advertising the products through the affiliate links.
Other Types Of Blogs
Another example of a blog that has an affiliate link is the DIY blog. The DIY blog helps the reader learn how to make certain objects with simple materials.
For example, the article will explain how to put things together and what materials and tools to use. There will be links to educational programs or to the tools mentioned that send to reader to a different site.
If the reader buys from that site you make the affiliate commission.
Examples of blogs that may have affiliate links include:
- Fashion
- Product Comparison
- Book Review
- Lifestyle
- Travel
- Music
- Fitness
These are just a few. All you need to do is have affiliate links to the products they covered in their posts and pages.
Websites And Making Money
The other main type of property on the internet are websites.
The site sells products or services and make money from doing so. Although blogs and websites do have some things in common, they mainly differ in the way they actually sell the products to the clients.
Websites and Dropshipping
One of the easiest and fastest ways to get up and running selling physical producs is through dropshipping.
Dropshipping, essentially, is when the website acts as the middle man. The conduit so to speak, between the client and the manufacturer of the product or the service provider.
This way, you do not have to have the actual products physically. You simply take orders from the client then turn around and order form the supplier. The supplier they send the product to the client.
Dropshipping is good business model and can be both efficient and effective.
Websites And Wholesaling
Another way through which online sites sell products is wholesaling. This one is pretty straightforward.
The site stocks up on a particular product, or a particular type of product.
For example you you could buy 1000 bracelets for $1 each. You then put that braclet for sale on your website for $5 each. You would then make a profit of $4 each.
All you have to do is drive the traffic to the site. That can be free or paid traffic.
The Best Of Both Worlds
It is possible for a website to be both a blog and a website that makes money from selling products and items.
Sell With The Blog
You can sell the products that you have written about on the blog. Readers do not want to split form their money for items, products, and services that they do not know anything about.
All you have to do is ensure that on the blog end, you meet the needs of the reader. You want to provide them with the information they were looking for in the first place.
If you can do this, then the affiliate links will be effective and efficient, and you will be making money from them. If not the reader will bounce and probably never come back.
Your opportunity to get the sale is a quick one. So you need to provide the best information and experience you can.
Sell With The Website
The most effective way to go about this is ordering the products, packageing and mailing them yourself.
This is highly effective way to ensure things are being done the way you want them to. That said, it can be incredibly time consuming and expensive if you are just starting out.
You can also have fulfillment centers shelve your products for a fee of course. Then when the product is ordered the warehouse will package it up and send it off.
There are many ways to make money online and we have just covered a few. The real trick is to not get overwhelmed and just start. Go with something beginner friendly and just keep going. A great place to start is with our free guides on how to Start a Blog and how to Start A Website.